Road Bike: Buying Guide Should Be Rewarding

Road Bike: Buying Guide Should Be Rewarding

Planning to buy a new road bikes for beginners or starting search to know that what to buy, here are few parameters which will eventually help you to make the decision quite easier.

  • In road bikes, three basic things i.e. frame assembly, components and frame geometry are necessary to be researched about.

If we talk about bikes frames, generally we have three options namely carbon fiber, steel and aluminum. This decision is certainly dependent on fact that which kind of ride makes you feel best. Manufactures usually assemble frame based on riders demand or particular ride requirements they are targeting.

Because of being lightweight and stiff material, aluminum is most popular in bike frames. Aluminum frames bent less, which results in directing rider’s energy in forward direction. These too have a fast and aerodynamic feel owing to its stiffness characteristic but sometimes it can result in an uncomfortable ride especially on bumpy road.

Bike frame
  • Use of steel in frame has been bikes manufactures favorite in last 100 years or so before aluminum took its place.

Steel built bikes gives more stable rides when it comes to bumpy roads. Interesting to note that steel in more flexible material then its competitors in frames manufacturing. It can not only absorbs vibration but also a very reliable and can also be easily repaired. Unlike aluminum or carbon filter made bikes, which are non-repairable once damaged. The only negative point about steel bikes is that it’s heavier in weight.

Carbon fiber built bike is could be your best choice, if this is about combining feature in bikes frames industry. It is material with multiple characteristics i.e. can be made flexible or stiff also based on location of frame. Though being expensive than all rest of bike frames materials, its price has greatly reduced in recent few years. This has resulted in more people to buy carbon fiber material built bikes. One of the drawback of these bikes are that they are not durable and can’t withstand the impacts. Cracks formed in bike’s structure can make the ride unsafe.

  • Frame geometry is also an important factor in riding and handling the bike.

Frame tubes assembling angle and length counts in frame geometry. Just like the frame built material, frame geometry have impact on bike riding. Best frame geometry will ensure that the ride is smooth and vice versa. Variation or troubled geometry will certainly hit your bikes fitness level.

Historically for road bikes, all of components are manufactured by single manufacturer but from past few years, diversity in use of different manufacture built components has taken over bikes industry. This is also an approach to keep the prices of bikes low, as manufacturers use mixed components in order to achieve this.

Test riding the bikes and purchasing the one which gives you greatest feeling is the only approach to buy the best bike. It will serve best, if there is a bike shop near your place and you can try ride few of bikes. It will also beneficial in long way as after buying you need to take your bike for accessories and services.

It is a universal quote that only spend on that thing, which you can afford but it is not the case in bikes industry.

More you spend, better quality bike you will get. Higher quality will definitely results in a better and smooth ride. As bikes are usually purchased for a long time usage, so little more money will be worth spending it.

Size and magnitude of bikes do matters, and important thing to note here is that manufactures measures their bikes in different manner. So always determine the size of bike, which suits you by standing along with it. Your half should clear the top tube by 1 or 1.5 inch. In case of an inclined top tube bike, more clearly view from top bar will be right size bike. Distance between seat and the bar is also critical here as it is totally dependent on your comfort level. So, during the test riding, adjust it accordingly.

During the test ride, you need to thoroughly check feel of everything. Brakes, gears reaction and their adjustment timing easiness. As it is always combination of different experience while riding a bike. So the bike bought should be comfortable and leading. Riding the bikes which fall in your budget range and also few expensive bikes will clearly state the difference will certainly help you in order to make decision to spend little more on better quality bike.

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